XL Marketing at the CV Show

Over the past three days, XL Marketing has had a significant presence at the UK's largest and premier fleet show.
The team led by Managing Director, Ian Smith, along with Senior Sales Director Ian Stanley, have been at the forefront of the stand and offered many insights to customers they may not have thought of.
Coming out of lockdown, it has been the first time we have been able to talk direct with customers and demonstrate some of the services we offer.
The Commercial Vehicle show is the place to be to view the latest developments in the world on vans and trucks. All the major players are there, Vauxhall, Ford, Mercedes Benz along with support industries such as Vehicle Weighing Systems.

XL Marketing have provided seminars and advice on lead generation to senior players in the commercial vehicle sector.
For any business to flourish, new customers need to be found and brought on board - something that XL Marketing are prominant in the Business to Business sector.

We offer lead generation, hot-keying and highly targeted contacts. We can offer named contacts with job-title, telephone number and a PAF enhanced address. We ensure that our contacts are suppressed against CTPS. Every contact we generate, we do so by talking directly with them and confirm fleet size and make-up.
The stand at the show has been very busy, with a lot of interest shown in the services we offer, and we hope to repeat the exercise in other shows thought the year.