Email Broadcast
Simple, Affordable and Effective Solution for your email broadcasting needs
Email Broadcast
Get your message heard with Net Torque...
With our Simple, Affordable and Effective solution for your email broadcasting needs. Our all in one email platform includes everything you need to create, send, track and Win customers for your business.
Through Net Torque, our dedicated team at XL can find out which links were clicked within your email, by whom and when. Your sales team can follow up those people who have shown interest in your products, consequently increasing the sales within your business.
Integrity is an important element of any business; with Net Torque you can be sure your email will both comply with and fit best practice.
With XL we can deliver scalable options through Net Torque which will allow email sending rates of ten thousand through to two million a day. XL will not only manage the technical aspect for you but will also keep you and your site free from email blacklists, with correct use.
Be sure you make an impact the right way, with email broadcasting from XL.
Key features
See which links were clicked within your email, by who and when.
From the statistics tab, you can see exactly who opened your email and when. View the data as a chart or in a simple table with absolute detail.
Your email is analysed for known spam keywords and an active spam report shows you exactly what needs changing, ensuring your email arrives in as many inboxes as possible.
Create high profile HTML emails, information-based text emails or both using our integrated campaign manager. Multipart emails are sent as both HTML and text and your subscriber's inbox will show whichever is supported best.
Put your follow up tasks on automatic with triggers. Send anniversary reminders or move contacts between lists when they open or click an email and a whole lot more.
Import emails from text or excel or use our custom sign up forms to get subscribers. Create as many contact lists as needed. Segmenting into lists list "prospects", "customers".
You will always be compliant with spam laws and best practices while using NetTorque. Automatically handling unsubscribes, opt-ins and bounced emails.
With our helpdesk manned during working hours, we will work with you to assist in the smooth running of your campaigns.
Create auto responders easily, which get sent to a contact after they have been on your lists for a certain time.